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    Tuesday, November 11, 2008

    He's Gone..

    He left yesterday..

    399 more days to go..

    Obama better start bringing soldiers home..


    Unknown said...

    omg i'm next. my bf is leaving at the end of this month too :(. we're just kinda counting down the days.

    Vanessa M. said... sorry babe...were all here for you <33

    im done said...

    =[ im sorry..
    where is he going?

    Amina said...

    aaw..i am here for all the support you need...sending you a big hug

    Anonymous said...

    Awww...try not to think about it too much hun =) You still have makeup and the blogger community =)

    L said...

    mandi, i knw things "feel" a bit turbulent and to be honest, it gets worse after a couple of days and maybe a few weeks in if he is unable to communicate with u in some type of way :( BUT, just be sure to stay busy and let him know that it is VERY IMPORTANT for him to keep in touch with u whenever he can... it makes a diff. cuz even tho he ain't physically there.... knowin he took the time/effort to link with u will b comforting. *hugs* here if ya need me....

    Kimberly said...

    awww -- keep your head up mama
    He needs your support always =] and you know u can count on all us blogger broads to give you big 'group hugs'

    roxy. said...

    aw girl is he marines? why is he gone so long?! =[ the hubby left for three months only and it was killer so i feel for you. don't worry girl you can do it!

    Mai Nguyen said...

    awww. stay strong woman! wishing you nothing but the best =)

    kae said...

    aww i'm sorry =( i'm next in january/february. booo. i think i read in one of ur posts back then that he was going to texas right? couldn't you have gone with him since it's not international?

    MakeupByRenRen said...

    just imagine how happy you'll be when you're reunited...write lots of letters!

    XPPINKXX said...

    what is up with all the men leaving their booty...

    not cool....not cool at all...

    one word when you are feeling frisky...


    mayaari said...

    pink's comment made me crack up! keep your head up hun, it's tough right now, and i'm sure it will be that way for a while, but he's going to come back, and just think of how great it will be when that happens :) in the meantime, you've got plenty of people to turn to (and lots of makeup to play with, no?)

    Par said...

    Can only hope he keep his words...hehe